How to sleep better

3 Tips for better sleep

Have ever find yourself  distrube while sleeping? this post is going to improve your sleeping in next 3 minutes.
sleeping is the gift of nature to humans. but most people don't get sleep well,.! 

most of people go to bed with stressful mind and having a pool of worries in heart. Because of what dreams are lame. here are 3 tips for better sleep.

1)  Relax yourself:-
Relaxing of yourself is the foremost step which make the comfortable sleep. Before you go to bed, make sure that you go to washroom to empty your urinary bladder because if you are sleeping with full urinary bladder you'll always feel disturbe and tense. Brush your teeth to avoid the bad breathe and have a half glass of water.

2) Read Fictions:-
You may find it ever that you felt sleepy during reading a book or something? when you get on the bed read stories,novels and fictions to take your mind to ideal world. Because stories and fiction has idealism in it . so you enjoy it because you get tired of realities of all the day in real world. 

3) Getting into sleep:-
Before you close your eyes, don't think about the things and your daily routine etc.  Close your eyes with empty mind and go for beautiful dreams.

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